Ok ok ok. This tuesday I'm having an art history final. I already know what I'm going to talk about and when I studied with my friend she told me I seemed confident so I shouldn't be nervous!! But I am... kinda...
But I'm going to keep practising this weekend and I'll be ok. I'm kinda worried about another final I have that I have to paint a lot of things.. As soon as I finish the art history one I'm having a painting speedrun lol.
In other news I'm actually taking care of my body for once in my life. I have a skincare routine, my hair is curly now because I'm taking care of my curls AND I'm starting going to the gym on march. I'm doing it for myself because I want my body to feel better and also I have a chronic disease and I need to take care of that... Anyway the oscars are soon and I'll make a post about that so see you then!